Start Making Money for Your Group/Team!Complete the Form Below Sign Up For Your Group/ Team Fundraiser Group/Team/School/Daycare/Cause Name * Example: Franklin Peewee Football , Spring Hill High School Deca, Huntsville High School Cheerleaders, ABC Daycare, Freshman Class of 2024, Friends of Breast Cancer Awareness Who do we make the check payable to? * Who do we make the check payable to? Sponsor/Chairperson Name * First Name Last Name Organization Type * Select One Daycare Sports Group Elementary/ Middle School Dance/ Gymnastics Cheerleading Sports Club Church Group YMCA Cause Other Where do we mail the profit check? * (This is where your check will be mailed) Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Email Confirmation * Group/Team Phone Number * (###) ### #### CONTACT CELL PHONE * REQUIRED! THIS IS HOW WE SEND YOU YOUR GROUPS USER NAME, PASSWORD AND YOUR SPECIAL LINK FOR YOUR GROUP TO GET STARTED!! (###) ### #### Choose your popcorn delivery method. * ONLY CHOOSE ONE OPTION A- 100% Online. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED DUE TO COVID 19. **All popcorn ships directly to your buyer. (You never see or handle the popcorn.) OPTION B- 100% Online. NOT RECOMENDED DUE TO COVID 19. Ships to home and group. This option requires you and your group to handle and touch the bags of popcorn for distribution. Your Fundraiser Start Date * Your fundraiser start date must be at least 7-10 business days from todays date. MM DD YYYY Your Fundraiser End Date * MM DD YYYY Number of Participants (Sellers) * Who Refered You to us? Message Your registration has been received. Your fundraiser is going to POP some serious cash for you.You’ll receive your groups special fundraiser link by email 2-3 days before your fundraiser start date. Be sure Look Whats Poppin is added to your contacts so we do not show up in your junk email.