Start Making Money For Your Cause!Complete the Form Below Sign Up For Your Cause Fundraiser Your Name * First Name Last Name Business Name (If business is having a cause fundraiser.) Cause Name or Person's Name * The check will be made payable to this cause or person's name. Your Address * (THIS IS WHERE YOUR CHECK WILL BE MAILED) Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Email Confirmation * CELL Phone Number * REQUIRED! THIS IS HOW WE SEND YOU YOUR USER NAME, PASSWORD AND YOUR SPECIAL LINK FOR YOUR TO GET STARTED! (###) ### #### Choose your popcorn delivery method. * ONLY CHOOSE ONE! OPTION A- 100% Online. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED DUE TO COVID 19. **All popcorn ships directly to your buyer. (You never see or handle the popcorn.) OPTION B- 100% Online. NOT RECOMENDED DUE TO COVID 19. Ships to home and group. This option requires you and your group to handle and touch the bags of popcorn for distribution. Your Fundraiser Start Date * Please choose the date your fundraiser will begin. Your fundraiser start date must be at least 7-10 business days from todays date. MM DD YYYY Your Fundraiser End Date * MM DD YYYY Number of Participants (Sellers) * Your Representative Message Your registration has been received. We look forward to watching your fundraiser POP! You will receive your sponsor login info by email. Be on the lookout.